Apr 26, 2017
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education Editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author Jessica Napoles. Together they discuss Jessica's recent article which focuses the perceived effectiveness of reduced verbal instruction in choral rehearsals.
Apr 21, 2017
JTE's Eli Kean interviews Kara Naidoo and Susan A. Kirch about their article, Candidates Use a New Teacher Development Process, Transformative Reflection, to Identify and Address Teaching and Learning Problems in Their Work With Children, published on June 23rd, 2016.
Apr 20, 2017
Joel Deshaye and Margaret Herrick discuss their recent research on “Racialized rooms and technologies of stardom in Ondaatje’s Coming Through Slaughter” and “Katabasis and the politics of grief in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost”.
Apr 3, 2017
Adult Education Quarterly Social Media Coordinator Erin Careless talks with authors Chad Hoggan, Kaisu Malkki, and Fergal Finnegan about their article "Developing the Theory of Perspective Transformation: Continuity, Intersubjectivity, and Emancipatory Praxis."
The abstract for the article can be found here: