Apr 26, 2017
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education Editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author Jessica Napoles. Together they discuss Jessica's recent article which focuses the perceived effectiveness of reduced verbal instruction in choral rehearsals.
Mar 14, 2017
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education Editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author Jennifer Walter. Together they discuss Walter's recent article which focuses on a study of preservice music teachers’ self-reported use of earplugs.
Oct 6, 2016
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author Laura Meehan. Together they discuss Meehan and Kimberly VanWeelden's recent article which focuses on determining the types of frequency of music and special education workshops held at state music educators association...
Apr 18, 2016
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author William Bauer, Associate Professor of music education at the University of Florida, about his study examining music education researchers' perceptions of the importance of selected technologies to scholarly inquiry.
The abstract...
Jan 22, 2016
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education editor Debbie Rohwer interviews author Brandon Haskett about some of the main issues surrounding steel band directors' attitudes- including methodology, the balance of genres programmed, the inclusion of contextual information, and directors’ steelpan performance...