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Jun 27, 2012

Josh Rogen, Editorial Assistant for Urban Education, interviews Dr. Jannelle Silva, of the University of Washington, about her article, "Critical classrooms: Using artists’ lives to teach young students power and privilege." This article appears in the July 2012 issue of Urban Education.

Jun 27, 2012

Josh Rogen, Editorial Assistant for Urban Education, interviews Dr. William Jeynes, of the California State University, Long Beach, about his article, "A Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Different Types of Parental Involvement Programs for Urban Students." This article appears in the July 2012 issue of Urban Education.

Jun 26, 2012

JPER co-editor Michael Brooks interviews authors Heather Campbell, Matti Siemiatycki, Ann Forsyth, and Bent Flyvbjerg about their articles for the Symposium in the June 2012 issue.

Jun 8, 2012

Arnold Danzig, co-editor for the March 2012 volume, interviews Lisa Garcia Bedolla, University of California, Berkeley, about her article, "Latino Education, Civic Engagement, and the Public Good."

Jun 1, 2012

Arnold Danzig, co-editor for the March 2012 volume, interviews A.G. Rud, Washington State University, about his article, "The Struggle Between Individualism and Communitarianism: The Pressure of Population, Prejudice, and the Purse."